Interim CEO

About OneJax

OneJax is a nonprofit organization that promotes diversity as the foundation for a strong community. OneJax promotes respect and understanding among people from different backgrounds, faiths, races, cultures and identities. Through Advocacy, Community Engagement and Education, we believe that we can accomplish anything we put our minds to when we are Different Together.


OneJax is an interfaith organization dedicated to achieving civility, understanding and respect for all people.


Jacksonville is an inclusive community where human differences are welcomed, sought out and understood.

Guiding Principles

We believe that through education, advocacy, and community building, we can empower members of our community to make decisions today that will make for a more inclusive tomorrow.


We celebrate our common humanity and honor our differences.


We believe every person has a right to worship as they please—or not at all—with equal commitment.


We value every person’s individuality and dignity.


We speak out against oppression.


We welcome differences of opinion and disagreement to elicit better ideas and outcomes.

Supporting Together

Donate to OneJax’s community programs.