Interim CEO

OneYouth Programming

OneJax offers youth initiatives for our community’s future leaders to elevate their levels of awareness and understanding of difference while providing opportunities for them to participate in community building. Each program allows them to explore more deeply the benefits of becoming an agent of change to improve our community.

Sandy Miller OneYouth Education

Named in honor of Sandy Miller, one of the founding mothers of OneJax youth programming, the following programs are offered throughout the year for middle school students in grades 7 and 8 and high school students in grades 9-12.


Available for 7th through 12th grades by invitation from the teacher or school administrator.

An in-classroom, age-appropriate workshop with activities allowing students to practice healthy communication, connection, and empathy with classmates. Students engage in leadership skills and self-reflection and gain an understanding and appreciation for the commonalities and differences in each other.

Metrotown Leadership Institute

Scheduled during the summer and periodically during school breaks, for separate groups of middle schoolers and high school students.

Metrotown, the original OneJax youth program launched 35 years ago, is a youth leadership development program typically held over 2-4 days during the summer. The OneYouth program promotes interracial, interreligious, and intercultural dialogue for middle and high-school-aged young people. Through sharing and exchanging ideas from a multicultural perspective, students begin to see through a different lens that will have a positive impact on their own life, and in the lives of their new friends.

Metrotown-In-A-Day (MIAD)

Separate sessions scheduled throughout the school year for middle school and high school students. By invitation from educators. Also available to youth groups of faith institutions, nonprofit youth programs and others.

Metrotown-In-A-Day (MIAD) is a condensed, 3-4 hour workshop with a focus on interactive learning covering various topics. This program is available to educators, youth groups of faith institutions, nonprofit youth programs and others. The program incorporates a combination of self-reflection, group activities, and healthy communication. Topics are tailored to meet the school community’s needs, which include student leadership, belonging and inclusion, mental wellness, advocacy, empathy, and others. The MIAD experience allows students to come together to explore options for living successfully in an increasingly diverse and interdependent world. Students attending a MIAD program often go on to participate in a full, multi-day Metrotown experience, deepening their OneYouth involvement.

Leaders of United Diversity (LOUD)

Available to graduates of the Metrotown high school program.

Each high school student completing a multi-day Metrotown program may choose to become a Leader of United Diversity (LOUD). These OneJax ambassadors initiate programs and activities to bring the message of respect and appreciation for racial, religious, and cultural differences into their communities and schools. LOUD members meet throughout the year and participate in a variety of community service projects, assist with OneYouth programming and help out at OneJax community events.


Get more details here!

Metrotown Applications 2025

Metrotown applications will be available here in Spring of 2025 for Summer 2025 programming!

Middle School Program: June 23-36, 2025

High School Program: July 14-17, 2025

Experience OneYouth!

Which program are you interested in? (Please check all that apply.)(Required)
Check all that apply:(Required)
If you are an educator, what time of year are you hoping to have OneJax work with your students?
Approximately how many students are you hoping we would work with?

Hear from Our Students!

Meet the OneYouth Leadership Team!

Supporting Together

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